Saturday 21 December 2013

Chapter 1.05 Leisure Day

Shocked didn't even begin to describe how Thomas felt. He felt betrayed. He felt annoyed. He felt upset, because he wasn't there for either Roxie or Rosie
Anger was the main emotion that showed through though.

He tried to stay calm. He wanted to stay calm. He wanted not to yell, but it just came out "You expect me to be fine with this?!" He turned to face her, glaring. "You just casually spring that on me, and expect me to be fine?" He snapped.
Roxie shook her head, "Don't you dare make this about you. You think this has been easy for me? I doubt you even wanted to talk to me over the past years. I bet you were happy I was gone!" She yelled.

"Stop acting like a five year old." He growled, keeping his voice low. He had to stop himself from hurting her. He had to remember that Roxie was someone he somewhat cared about.
She scoffed "Like you know what one acts like." Her glare softened ever so slightly "Just admit that you don't care anymore. I know you don't. If you did, you would have at least told your little friend who I was." 
Thomas stayed silent. He wasn't so sure what else to say. She was right. Up until today, he had never actually gave Roxie more than a month's worth of thought.

He sighed, looking at the girl he used to know. He wanted to imagine she was the same girl he used to know. As much as he longed to live in the past, he knew that wasn't an option anymore. The Roxie he used to know was a lot different to the one he now knows. 
It took him a while to process it, and for him to calm down again. Most of that time was spent just looking straight on eye contact, even though normal people would have diverted their gaze; they weren't normal people.
"So, you said you wanted me to take her?" He asked, fairly softly. He was somewhat sure he had calmed down by now.

For a split of a second, he saw regret cross over her face as if she was still deciding. This made him realise that this was no way near as easy as she previously made out.
"I want you to take her." She spoke quietly. "I can't have her travelling around with me. We do some pretty messed up stuff when travelling around, I can't let her see that." Thomas thought he could almost see the old Roxie for a second, but that quickly vanished as soon as a red lock of hair fell into her eyes.Just a reminder that his former flame and best friend was gone.
"Her name's Rosie, right?" He asked, mainly just to clarify. He could hardly believe that she still remembered the connection they had to that name... It was an inside thing. 
Roxie half smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile "Yeah, Rosie. Its not much of a surprise I chose that name though, is it?" She muttered. 
Thomas shook his head, smiling sadly "I'm surprised you even still remember that." He mumbled, and that was the end of their conversation. 
He picked up Rosie, and he took the toddler, his daughter, back to his house.

He noticed that Rosie was almost falling asleep against him as they walked up to the house from the taxi. All of the lights were off, which made him realise that Erin was probably asleep too.
How the hell was he going to explain all of this to her? Money was already a problem with them, and they couldn't exactly afford too much. It had took ages and hard work to just get one room sorted out, now they needed to get another one fixed up too.
He sighed, and went through to the only bedroom that actually had a crib in it. He would just have to try and explain it all to Erin tomorrow.

Rosie made whimpering noises, and tried to hold on to Thomas. The small girl seemed to have woken up slightly, maybe from the fear of being in a completely new place with completely new people. 
"You'll be fine, I promise." He whispered, and he thought that she may have understood him as she laid down. 
Thomas watched as his daughter fell asleep. He wondered if what he said to her would end up being a lie. What if they weren't fine? What if they weren't okay?
He knew that they were questions he would just have to push back though. 
It wasn't much of a surprise that sleep came uneasily to him.

Erin woke up at the same time as she usually does, about half six in the morning. She never needed an alarm clock, she was her own personal one. Even on holidays like today, which was Leisure day, she still managed to wake up early. She was about to go into the bathroom and shower, when she heard a noise coming from the baby's room.
She hesitated before turning. She figured it may have just been her imagination, but what if it wasn't... She figured it was probably just her imagination, but she had to check. She opened the door slowly.

"What the f-" She muttered, cutting herself off before she swore. She didn't want to swear in front of the unknown toddler, for obvious reasons.
She really wondered why it was there though, and how it got there. Erin sighed slightly, knowing that she shouldn't refer to someones child as an 'it' but what else should she call the small girl? She didn't know her name, so that was out of the window. 
That's when she noticed something, the hair colour. Erin had seen that hair colour before. She sees it everyday. It was Thomas's hair colour...
She soon remembered that the toddler, which was somehow related to Thomas, was crying. She picked the little girl up, and placed her softly on the floor.

"Stay." She said, her mind was frazzled right now. Usually she wasn't this bad around children, but this time was different. "I-I mean, don't move. Don't go." Erin tried again. A few coos and gurgles were the only reply from the grinning toddler, and Erin took that as an answer, or at least as close to one as she would get. Erin stood up, and backed out of the room. She did this to make sure everything stayed the same as she left it.

A large part of her wondered how Thomas managed to wake up so early, when on days off he wouldn't leave his bedroom until about ten. Usually, if situations like this weren't happening she would be fine with him sleeping in.
"Oi, Sleeping Beauty, wake up." She said, her arms folded. He made a few mumbling noises, then turned in his bed. She sighed, and went to the side of the bed. She shoved him, and smiled slightly when he woke up. "We need to talk." She said, looking down at him, which was when he was getting out of bed.

He simply raised an eyebrow, maybe trying to make Erin feel bad about waking him. "About what?" He mumbled, sounding as if he was half dead.
"Oh, I don't know." She started in a mocking tone "Maybe about the weather, or maybe the fact that there's a toddler in the baby's room." She folded her arms, noticing as he seemed to wake up.
"Huh? You found Rosie?" He mumbled, but was more awake.

"Kind of hard not to when I heard her crying." She mumbled. "Care to explain?" She asked.
"She's my daughter. That Roxie girl you met yesterday, remember her? That's her mother." Erin's eyes widened at what he said, but she didn't interrupt. "Roxie travels around the world, with people who buy more drugs than rooms in hotels and gas for their cars. She didn't want Rosie growing up with them, so she's going to stay with us for a while." Thomas managed to finish, honestly amazed that Erin didn't but in at least once. 

While the two of them were talking, Rosie had managed to escape her room. and was currently fascinated by the silver and black things with a yellow middle that were on the ceiling. She stretched her little arms up, trying her hardest to reach, but alas, her arms were too short.
Even though she couldn't reach and touch the star like objects, she still giggled. She thought it was something amazing, perhaps a new discovery no one had yet noticed. 
Its quite a shame that they were only the kitchen lights though...

"What about money though, we have next to nothing as it is." She frowned. 
He sighed "I promise we'll work something out. I'll try working harder and hopefully getting another promotion or something. If that works then we'll be fine. With me working and you busking, we should be able to pull enough money together." He managed to half smile.

"Yeah, I guess we'd be able to afford it." She smiled back at him. "So, are you going to spend the day with Rosie or something?" She asked.
Thomas drew a blank, he was honestly hoping they could just hire a sitter. He nodded, even though he had no clue what he would be doing "Uh, yeah. Yeah I am." He became more confident as his lie progressed. "I was thinking about taking her to that park for little kids. The one with all the rides and the sand pit." He half smiled, actually thinking it might be an alright thing to do with Rosie.
Erin nods, "I'll be at the Summer Fair, just in case you need me." She was about to walk out, but added "Please don't need me."

Erin noticed Rosie had managed to escape her room, and how the small girl was concentrating on the wall in front of her. She figured that Thomas would probably work out that Rosie's not in her bedroom anymore as soon as he sees the young girl in the kitchen.
Erin gets ready, and heads off with her guitar. The main bright side about Leisure Day is that almost everyone will be at the fair. Which means almost everyone should be able to tip...

She started playing in the park, hoping quite a lot of people would be extra generous today. Maybe if she had a good day today, they could get another room sorted out. Hours straight of playing will almost certainly be a good thing, right? 
It must be. Even though her music wasn't the absolute best, she usually got at least a few sympathy points if anyone ever came to make idle conversation while tipping. Everyone here was a lot nicer than where she was from.

About an hour after Erin started busking, Thomas took Rosie to the park.

He watched as Rosie squealed and giggled with delight. The grin came naturally as he watched her having fun. Rosie closed her eyes and held on tight as the mechanical bull gently swayed and puffed out steam from its nose. Thomas honestly wondered how she found this so entertaining... 
One the ride stopped, he picked her back up.

She was still giggling and squirming when he picked her up. She grinned at him, kicking her legs in the air. She whined while trying to struggle out of his grip, looking down then back up at Thomas.
"You wanna go again?" He grinned, finding Rosie adorable.
They spent a long time on that particular bull, and then on the rocket and pirate ship as well. Apart from the shaped and effects, there wasn't any actual difference in any of them.

She made another whining noise as they left the rides. He sighed "You've already been on them all." He mumbled, placing her down on the sand pit. Soon enough, Rosie forgot about the rides, as she looked around and fascinated by the sand. Thomas stood up again, and sat at one of the picnic benches.
By now, he assumed that the thought had sunk in, the thought that he was a dad, and the small girl filling her shoe with sand was his.
That thought scared him, it was a weird thing to think of. Yesterday, he had no clue Rosie even existed and hadn't even thought about Roxie since she left... He knew that was probably the last time he was ever going to see her, and that bothered him more than he would have hoped. He's been heartbroken over her once, he didn't need to go through that again.

When it went dark, Thomas took a very sandy Rosie back home. He managed to brush off most of the sand before they got into the taxi. Even though it was far from what he had originally planned he wouldn't have swapped it for anything. It was nice having a family for once, even if his family was only small that didn't mean it wasn't perfect.

He put Rosie to bed once they got home. He figured she was probably tired, as she was being incredibly fussy and whiny on the ride home. As soon as he put her in the crib, she was asleep. 
He spent a while watching her again, usually he would have been bored but he seemed to be content with watching over his daughter.
He was snapped out of it when he heard Erin walk back into the house "Guess how much I earned." She sand as she walked in.
He walked into the living room to meet her.

"I earned so much today." She grinned, seemingly proud of herself. "There were tons of people there, and everyone there gave me tons of money, it was great!" 
He smiled back at her, not as happy as she seemed "Yeah, that is great." He was happy about it, but he knew that he's had a better day that what she had.

"But anyway, how's your day been?" She smiled at him, obviously really happy still and she had every right to be. She made a little over what Thomas would do if he was at work.
"Its been good." He smiled, fairly widely. He looked down as he spoke, knowing Erin will just make him feel embarrassed about it, kind of like the big sister he could never get away from.

"She wanted to go on this bull ride thing a lot. I think she went on it about twelve times." He chuckled a little.
Erin furrowed her eyebrows "How does that explain the trail of sand in here?" She mumbled, and Thomas just noticed it.
"That's uh... That's because she probably thought it would be fun to fill up her own shoes with sand, and put some in mine too while I wasn't looking." He mumbled, feeling like and idiot now.
Erin half smiled "I'll believe that was Rosie for now..." She said, then walked off into her bedroom. 
Soon afterwards, he went into his own room and went to sleep. He had really enjoyed the day with Rosie.

Chapter 1.04 Something Wicked This Way Comes                                
AN: Yay! I finally got this wrote. 
I don't know why, but Rosie is really glitchy, I should probably work on her a little... 
On another note, there's flowers everywhere in the house. You can probably see or at least remember some from before, in my defence though, I wanted to make the house pretty for free, and they were really bugging me by staying in Erin's intenvory


  1. I have to say, I really don't like Roxie at this point, about the only good thing is that she realises how bad it would be for her daughter to see her taking drugs and whatever else she gets up to while travelling.

  2. I'm with Ali, it's good that Roxie realised that Rosie wasn't being given the childhood she needed, but the fact she hid Rosie from Thomas for soo long is pretty bad. Oh well, I guess she's gone for good now.
    Will poor Erin ever give birth?! Haha! Seems like she's been pregnant for years!

  3. Aw, Rosie is such a cutie. I'm glad that she and Thomas bonded so well.

    But I agree with the others, Roxie didn't even bother to tell Thomas he had a daughter which is pretty terrible of her. But at least I can give her props for making sure her daughter has a stable life. I just hope she won't suddenly swoop in when Rosie's grown and try to take her back again.

    (And sorry for not commenting on your recent posts. I'm getting caught up again, though!)

  4. It's definitely better for Rosie that Roxie is giving her up, since she won't give up her lifestyle for her child. I hope she stays away.

  5. Interesting...what is their connection to the name Rosie?

    Erin has some balls, giving him the third degree over Rosie like that. Rosie's a cute little girl, and I can't wait to see what Erin's baby looks like. They'll be a cute family, if an unconventional one.

    1. You find that out in exactly 20 chapters time :)
      Its not a very important connection to be honest...

      In her defence, he did just randomly turn up with a toddler.
      Rosie was really cute, and she still is. Erin's baby was quite cute too, (its weird saying that, he's now an adult, but still cute) Everything's cute
