Sunday 31 August 2014

Chapter 2.20 Daydreamer

Butterflies were cute.

A few of them colonized just up the road from the house, so of course Belle wanted to try and catch at least one. That, and because it wasn't all too far from the house, she could go out on her own without her mom worrying about her.

She grinned at the butterfly she caught, finding it ticklish as it moved around on her hand. She couldn't wait to show off what she had caught to her mom and Tyler. Her mom was a little moody this morning because she didn't sleep all too much with the baby keeping her up at night. Hopefully the butterfly would cheer her up. She didn't have enough time to show her mom though before the school bus came for her.

However, Alyssa was bothered by quite a few things. It started when she brought baby Nathaniel home. Sabrina was his room, watching Alyssa as she put the baby down. "So, what's going on between you and... Tyler, was it?" She questioned, both on his name and what it was between them. "He was the one you briefly dated as a teenager, right?"
"Right and we're just friends. He was going through a breakup with his ex girlfriend, and I needed help with the kids and I asked him if he could help out and he agreed."
Sabrina shook her head slightly. "He's really one of a kind." She murmured, keeping her arms folded, "And you shouldn't be stringing him along Alyssa."

"I'm not stringing him along. We're just friends. Nothing more and nothing less." She said simply, turning to face Sabrina who was face palming.
"He likes you Alyssa. What ex would help out just because?" She asked, trying to make her point.
"I doubt that he exactly wanted to stay with Spirit, his other ex, and I invited him to stay here because I needed help with the kids." She dismissed Sabrina's idea rather quickly.
"I'm just saying, don't act so dumbfound when it happens." Sabrina smiled at her. "You deserve someone who likes you, and who you know you like back."

Alyssa stepped back a little, confused. "Since when did I say I liked him? As an adult." She added, frowning. She couldn't help but feel like a teenager again with all this talk of 'he likes you, do you like him?'. She was too mature for that malarkey.
Sabrina shrugged, grinning mischievously. "Just an intuition of mine, Lyssie. Just remember that I expect to be a bridesmaid at yours and his wedding." She teased, winking.
She scoffed, and rolled her eyes. "There's nothing there. You're clutching at straws, me and him are purely platonic. Sure, there was something there once upon a time, but I doubt there's anything there now. Besides, it's way too soon since what happened with Damon." She sighed.

Sabrina frowned lightly. "He wasn't right for you Alyssa, but you never know. You could still have your summer wedding, just not with the guy you originally thought." She smiled slightly. "Just because it didn't work out with one guy in your life doesn't mean you can't ever be happy in love again." Her hands went to her shoulders in a comforting manner.
Alyssa sighed. "I don't feel that way, I've not even thought about the possibility of it since he came to stay." She murmured, and honestly hadn't. She knew that if any feelings ever did come up, she would just knock them back down with a metaphorical bat. The last thing she wanted to do was wreck her friendship with him. The first time they broke up, when she cheated, that did enough damage. She didn't want and couldn't do more.
Sabrina grinned. "You never know Lyss. I should probably get going soon, just remember that I expect to be a bridesmaid." She took her hands away, smiling and humming 'Here Comes the Bride' as she walked out of Nathaniel's room.

Alyssa sighed. The only thing worse than hopeless romantic, meddling siblings were hopeless romantic, meddling siblings in law. She didn't want to date anyone right now, it was too soon since everything that had happened with Damon. Not like she wouldn't like being in a relationship... But it was too soon! Way too soon. She hadn't even thought about Tyler in that way until Sabrina got the ideas in her head.

And now he was all she could bloody think about! She couldn't help but daydream about what if they did stay together, and if she didn't cheat on him in the first place. Would they have had their own kids? Probably, knowing how much she loves hers, and seeing how Tyler was with Ash. She did love the life she had, she just couldn't help but wonder though.
Back in reality, the two of them had taken the twins and Nathaniel out to the Summer Festival while it was still warm. They brought a cute little picnic too.
Alyssa couldn't help but admit she was partly jealous of how Ashton is with Tyler. Her own son favoured Tyler over her! However, she did find it precious how much of a shine Ashton took to Tyler. See, even her kids would be fine with it! Now Belle seems to be getting along with him better.

"Mommy!" Melody spoke loudly, and Alyssa only then realized how locked up in her own thoughts she was. "Can I?" She asked, smiling sweetly.
"Can you what?" Alyssa asked, looking down at her daughter.
"Explore!" She grinned. "Me and Ash go explore." She smiled sweetly. Out of the corner of her eyes, Alyssa could see Ashton looking up, confused. Out of the two, Melody was certainly the ring leader.

"I'm not so sure Mel." Alyssa frowned, remembering last time when Belle nearly went missing. She couldn't deal with both Melody and Ashton going missing, but it was a lot emptier today...
"Please? Pretty please?" Melody frowned, managing to pull her best cute face. Mommy always fell for that, silly mommy.
Alyssa sighed slightly, "Only if the two of you promise to stay close. Don't go too far, and stay on this side of the fountain. Always make sure you can see me, and don't go any further the other way than past me. Also, try not to cause too much havoc and don't go into the fountain." She laid down the list of rules, frowning. She wasn't all too sure about letting them go off on their own, but the park was mostly empty as it was a work day. The only people that would be here are other people with their kids.
"Okay." Melody grinned, managing to take in the rules. She went off, and Ashton followed after her.

"She really is the leader of the two, isn't she?" Tyler chuckled at how Ashton just followed his sister without any doubt.
Alyssa shrugged, "At least he's learned early that women are always the ones in charge." She grinned in response. "It just works better than way." She laughed a little, if anything slightly nervously. She mentally slapped herself for acting like what she thought was an idiot around him.

Melody loved the view from on the fountain. It was higher up for her than just standing would be. Ashton however was rather hesitant about joining her up there. "Mommy's not gonna be happy." He frowned, warning her.
"So?" She asked, having fun. She pulled her legs in from where they were dangling. "Wuss." She taunted him, grinning
"Am not." He pouted, looking up at her. "You're naughty."
"Are so, am not." She stuck her tongue out, and stood up on top of the fountain edge.

"Get down." Ashton frowned, worried. His sister was truly crazy sometimes.
"I Queen Melody! Bow down!" She declared, and pointed to what seemed to be one of the lampposts. "'Specially you! Evil light!" She yelled, then giggled.
"Get down." Ashton repeated, joining his sister up on top of the fountain. Maybe if he joined her up there, he would convince her how silly it is being up there.

"Stop being silly." Ashton frowned, getting annoyed now. "You'll fall and get hurt."
Melody got upset, and started to cry. She didn't want to get hurt! What would her mommy say? She would tell her off, and she didn't like getting told off, at all. "I don't wanna get hurt." She sobbed, covering her eyes with her hands. "I wanna get down." She blubbered. "Don't like it." She sniffled.
Aston looked at the floor. It was way too far to jump down to, but perhaps sit then slide down? He decided that was probably the best way, and for once, he took charge and got down from the fountain edge and Melody followed.

"Lyss? Are you alright?" Tyler asked, frowning. He's noticed that Alyssa's been acting rather oddly around him lately. She was often in a daydream or just plain out of it.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Super fine." She grinned, staring at his chest. She was wrapped up in her own thoughts once again. She didn't particularly mind it all too much but it wasn't like she would ever tell anyone. She preferred to keep her dirty thoughts to herself. She woke up from her daydream though after he clicked his fingers in front of her face.
"You sure? Because you keep daydreaming."

She sat up, frowning slightly. "What?" She asked, confused. "Did you say something?" She tilted her head slightly.
He furrowed his eyebrows. "I was wondering if everything was alright. You've been acting weirdly. You keep daydreaming." He frowned.
"Do not." She retorted, a little too defensively. She hoped he didn't think she was acting strangely. She had to dial it back, and try not to act as daydream-y around him.
"Yes, you do. Is something wrong?" He genuinely seemed concerned, and he was. He didn't get why she was acting weirdly.

She sighed, "I'm just a little tired, and my sister-in-law said something that really stuck in my mind." She murmured.
"What did she say?" He asked, wondering what it would have been for it to affect her as much.
She hesitated, wondering if she should tell him or not. Should she tell him that Sabrina thought he loved her? Probably best if she didn't. "I'm not so sure if I should tell you or not, you'd probably think it was ridiculous."
He half smiled at her. "If you're not comfortable telling me, it's fine." He shrugged.

After the horrifying event on the fountain was over, Melody knew who was responsible for it. The balloons! It was all their fault! They had tricked her into going up there. She growled, and wait straight to attacking them. Evil balloons! But luckily Queen Melody could handle it all before it got too out of hand. She vanquished the balloons before they could attack again. After they were defeated, she knew Melotopia would be safe.

Ashton copied his sister, unaware of her intentions. He (like most boys) found it fun to destroy things. Even more fun knowing that his mommy can't tell him off for scratching it to pieces. He could just say it was someone else! How perfect.

Alyssa was considering whether or not she should bring up what Sabrina has said. It could possibly ruin their friendship, and she knew she didn't want to do that. But what if he did like her in that way? Then everything would be fine, and they could start dating. But what if he didn't and she said something? That would ruin everything between them. But if she just ignored it and hoped it went away... What would be the point in that?
"My sister-in-law said that she thought that me and you seemed rather couple-ish. It's been on my mind, because it's a crazy thing to say, isn't it?" She laughed a little, playing as if she thought the idea was absurd.

"Is it though?" He asked quietly, "I mean, we live together, we know each other really well and we've been getting along better than before. Your kids seem to-"
Alyssa cut him off, "Seriously? That's how you're going to do it?" She teased, grinning. "I know you don't exactly like spilling out your feelings but still." She shrugged a little.
He sighed, "Alright, fine. I really like you Alyssa. If anything, I've not stopped. At times, I honestly wished I didn't feel the way I do. Like after the incident that happened and caused us to break up the first time, I wanted nothing more than to be angry at you, because I was. I just couldn't though, I couldn't get my head around hating you. You just have this hold over me that doesn't make me think straight and gets me to talk about my feelings which you know I hate doing, but you make me do it anyway. I really want to give us a second chance."
Alyssa went over to him, smiling. She leaned in...

And kissed him. It was just as perfect as she remembered all that time ago. The same feeling of fireworks, and the same heart-pounding nervousness. She honestly felt like she was a teenager again.
He pulled away ever so slightly, and asked, "So, you want to try again too?" He grinned.
She laughed a little, "What do you think?" And she kissed him again. She was more than happy to give them a second chance.
Perhaps Alyssa should trust Sabrina's intuitions a bit more...

Chapter 2.19 Making Friends                                                                  

AN: Marital Structure is Second Chance!

The baby didn't get featured a lot this chapter, so in case you missed on his name, it's Nathaniel :)

See, don't complain that I don't give you nice endings, this is a nice ending. I also want to say that I honestly didn't see this happening quite as soon. I half wanted to leave it a chapter, but then I realized I really wanted something to happen soon, and I needed this to happen. I don't feel as if it was too rushed though. At least Alyssa gave it a little try of her being single(ish).

I also want to say I love writing for Melody. She has rather '... I don't know' traits. I kinda like how I'm shaping her out to be though so far.


  1. Love Love LOVE the name Nathaniel. ;)

    Ashton and Melody. The dynamic duo! I love how the more steadfast one has to go save the rusher-inner. lol. Also love their destruction of balloons. lol

    Awww! Lookie there! Tyler really was waiting for her all along! Yay! Now will Sabrina be right that there will still be a summer wedding?

    1. It's a cute name, isn't it?

      I wanted them to destroy the balloons because even though they do try and scratch stuff at home, I always stop them. Dynamic duo indeed. Ashton's a lot more loyal to Melody than what she is to him.

      He was waiting for her, how sweet, right? It's a little uncertain of it they have a summer wedding or not. Perhaps a different season though. There's something I want to do before a wedding.

  2. What a sweet chapter. Everything was going so nicely, that when the twins climbed the fountain, I waited for them to fall in. But no...

    So summerwedding then? It's a bit naive not expecting something bad to happen.

    1. I wanted a sweet chapter, I feel as if I've been rather mean to Alyssa lately. I half considered them falling in, but I decided against it. The twins can't swim, and I think them causing a splash would over shine what I wanted to happen.

      Summer wedding, maybe another season. Darling, you don't expect me to do anything bad, do you? ;)

  3. Yay for a happy chapter, I just hope that things will go well for the two of them this time around.

    1. Big yays for happy chapter. I was feeling as if I've been rather harsh on Alyssa lately. Only time will tell if everything works out this time around ;)

  4. I love Mel and Ash! They are so cute. Mel will probably get herself into trouble sometime though.

    Aw, the way that Alyssa and Tyler got together was really sweet. Hopefully they will be happy together this time, now that Alyssa knows what she's got with him. Babies? :D

    1. They're really cute. And she doesn't go looking for trouble, trouble just happens to find her.

      I'm glad you thought it was sweet. I usually hate writing romantic-y things. What will happen between them will happen, as for babies... I'd like to point out that there's still a question mark by how many babies are supposed to be in Alyssa's gen ;)

  5. Melody is a cute little rascal! For a second there I was afraid they'd fall in the fountain or something... you already have me expecting the worst at all times!! Glad this was a happy chapter though <3

    1. She is a cutie ^-^ She's the ring leader out of the two, if they cause any trouble, it's usually Melody's doing.
      Nothing bad in this chapter, it's a rare happy chapter xD
